Catholic Distance University recently received top rankings for its AA and BA degree programs. Forbes Advisor ranked CDU #4 in “Best Options for Theology Bachelor Degrees Online” for 2023. ranked CDU #17 in “Best Online Associate in Liberal Arts Degree Programs” for 2024. These accolades confirm the great value and high quality of a CDU education.

To determine rankings, the Forbes Advisor Education team sources data from the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and pulls information from reputable professional organizations and education providers’ websites. They scored the four accredited, nonprofit colleges ranked using 16 data points in the categories of credibility, affordability, student outcomes, student experience, and application process. The rankings use a strict methodology to determine the best schools and programs for each category, and an expert advisory board of experienced professionals and educators reviews and verifies Forbes Advisor Education content to ensure accuracy and completeness., a trusted resource for higher education program rankings and planning, evaluated a total of 3,000 programs before naming CDU’s online AA degree in Liberal Arts  program #17 of the top 35. Each institution was ranked on a scale from 0 to 100 across six categories that include quantitative measures such as academic quality, graduation rate, cost and ROI, and student resources. The top picks are highly regarded, affordable, and offer the tools and resources students need to successfully graduate and excel in their  fields. Recognized institutions in this category offer online programs that expose students to a wide range of disciplines, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and global awareness essential in the 21st century.